Interfaith Power and Light

While much of the religious-environmental movement is local, Interfaith Power and Light (IPL) has grown to national proportions. The affiliates help people of faith reduce their use of fossil fuels and increase their reliance on renewable energy in all aspects of their lives. At their annual gathering in Washington, DC, IPL leaders lobby Congress for legislative reforms to bring America into line with energy policies to reduce pollution and reverse climate change.

Interfaith Power and Light began in 1998 with Episcopal Power and Light and the support of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, as a coalition of Episcopal churches aggregated to purchase renewable energy. In 2001, California Interfaith Power and Light was established, to reach out to people of all faiths in California to organize and promote positive environmental change around energy and global warming.

The movement grew under the prophetic and energetic leadership of the Rev. Canon Sally Bingham and there are now Interfaith Power and Light organizations in 29 states, on the way to 50. Some are programs of existing organizations (such as Chicago’s Faith in Place), but most are founded solely as IPL state affiliates. Today, the network represents thousands of religious people who care deeply about the future of creation, and work together to influence federal policies that can help mitigate the worst impacts of climate change.  To learn more, visit:

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