Fall 2012 and beyond
Here’s some inspiring news about recent developments at St Eugene Parish in Asheville, NC.
St Eugene Parish’s Care of Creation Group reports that “we’ve had great success with our Care of Creation 6 week series using the Renewal documentary and highlighting one or two of the stories each week.”
“Over the summer months, the folks who have been attending the Care of Creation series have coalesced into a working group that would like to see St Eugene Parish make a commitment to become an eco-conscious community and an example of stewardship of earth’s resources to other churches.”
To pursue those goals, the Care of Creation Group approached the Parish Council to seek their blessing and a commitment that would further support the Group’s efforts. One of the Group’s leaders pointed out that “the Catholic Church has spoken officially on many occasions on the need for us in First World countries to live mindful of the consequences of our consumer lifestyle, to conserve our resources and protect our environment.”
In the end, the Parish Council endorsed the Care of Creation Group’s efforts, “We were all very impressed at the number of people who regularly show up at your gatherings, and by your group's obvious enthusiasm for this cause…..
The Pastoral Council reviewed your group's recommendations and proposals and felt they were reasonable goals.”
Several important steps were identified to begin the process:
Institute a significant Recycling Program within the church
Have an Energy Audit performed
Set up Educational Programs to inform and assist parishioners regarding energy-saving ideas -- being certain to involve the Youth Group
Make the Care of Creation Group a permanent fixture, as a sub-committee of the Peace and Justice Commission
The Parish Council concluded, “we thank the Care of Creation Group for their efforts (both past and future) and look forward to the positive impact these changes will bring as we strive to be better caretakers of the wonderful world Our Creator has given us.”
In sum, the St Eugene Creation Care Group is now recognized as a sub-committee of the Parish’s Peace and Justice Committee and have been encouraged to continue with education programs for the Parish community that will introduce new practices related to a commitment to caring for God's Creation.