Faith and Earth Summit

May 13, 2011

The Riverside Church, New York, NY

A Faith and Earth Summit was held at The Riverside Church in New York City on May 13th. The event was organized by Riverside's Mission and Social Justice ministry along with Faith Leaders for Environmental Justice.  

Marty Ostrow and Rev. Arnold Thomas began the day with a conversation about  environmental-justice and two RENEWAL stories were shown: A Crime Against Creation and Eco-Justice.

The event was interfaith and multi-disciplinary, with about 75 people attending.

The day was broken into a series of 7 valuable workshops with eco-justice being a predominant theme.

Workshops included:

            Teaching and Preaching Environmental Justice

            Eco-Justice and Your Zip Code: Place Matters

            Sea Water Rise and Disaster Preparedness

            Mobilizing Youth Groups for the Sake of the Earth

            Greening Your Congregation

            The Toxic Chemicals in Your Home They Aren’t Telling You About

            Recycling in NYC and Unwasting Your Home